Leave a legacy
Leave a gift in your will and help protect hospice care in our community for all, for now, forever.
This is hospice care
It is finality and uncertainty, brave faces and shedding tears. It’s short days and long nights. Living for now with the weight of tomorrow.
It’s everything you’d expect and everything you wouldn’t
It’s also love and life and celebration. It’s care at home, and in our hospice, care for those dying and for those around them. It’s going the extra mile, doing away with convention and remembering what really matters.
It’s easing pain and bringing comfort, cherishing memories and creating new ones. Part of the community, part of our story, part of us.
It’s allowing our patients to embrace the life they have left.
This is the legacy of hospice care. But we need it to be your legacy too.
It wouldn’t exist without you
Just as this incredible support would not exist without our hospice, hospice care would not exist without you. A gift in your will helps ensure care at the end of life is here for everyone who needs it, both now and in the future. It’s ours to protect.
Help hospice care live on for all, for now, forever.
To make a will, or amend an existing will, it is advisable to seek legal advice and talk through your plans with a solicitor, who will be able to advise on the best options available to you.
If you would like more information please contact Neal Williams, Trust Secretary neal@macmillanlocal.org or 01202 477628.
The following are two examples of ways to support us in your will. A Residuary Legacy and a Pecuniary Legacy.
Residuary Legacy – A Proportion of the Estate
I give (%) of the residue of my real and personal estate which I can dispose of by will in any manner I think proper to Macmillan Caring Locally (registered Charity number 1189412), The Macmillan Unit, Christchurch Hospital, Christchurch, Dorset BH23 2JX, and the receipt of the Financial Controller of Macmillan Caring Locally shall be a complete discharge to my Executors.
Pecuniary Legacy – A Fixed Sum
I give the sum of (amount in figures and words) to Macmillan Caring Locally (registered Charity number 1189412), The Macmillan Unit, Christchurch Hospital, Christchurch, Dorset BH23 2JX, and the receipt of the Financial Controller of Macmillan Caring Locally shall be a complete discharge to my Executors.
Please always give our Charity name, address and registered Charity number to your solicitor.
Charity Name: Macmillan Caring Locally
Registered Charity No: 1189412
Address: The Macmillan Unit, Christchurch Hospital, Christchurch, Dorset, BH23 2JX